I'd say for the average, conservative hardworking man and woman in America who voted for President Trump and who is a taxpaying citizen, we view his first week in office as a major success.
At breakneck speed, President Trump signed several executive orders that will help restore law and order in our country and help protect our national security making good on some of his campaign promises already. On one of them, we are feelings the effects of it already here in Bowling Green, Ky. There was a front page story published this past Friday in our local newspaper, the Bowling Green Daily News, written by reporter Wes Swietek stating the fate of 40 Syrian refugees which were due to arrive in our city this year is now in limbo because our president signed an executive order restricting refugee arrivals, and of one our local officials said he doubted that the Syrian refugees would make it here.
Personally, I am all about our city, state and country helping people from war torn counties with our taxpayer dollars if necessary. I know in years past in Bowling Green that we have taken in Vietnamese, Cambodians, Bosnians and Burmese from war torn countries. They have assimilated here well and they are working, holding down jobs, buying and owning homes and businesses and raising their families in our city. And a lot of them have even become American citizens.

Official: Syrian refugees now unlikely to ever arrive in Bowling Green
WES SWIETEK wswietek@bgdailynews.com
Jan 27, 2017
The fate of 40 Syrian refugees slated to arrive in Bowling Green this year is in limbo as President Donald Trump is reportedly set to sign an executive order restricting refugee arrivals, and one local official said he doubts the Syrians will ever make it here.
In the coming days, Trump is expected to indefinitely bar refugees fleeing war-torn Syria from entering the U.S. The order is also expected to suspend issuing visas for people from several predominantly Muslim countries – Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen – for at least 30 days, according to a draft of the order obtained by The Associated Press and other news outlets.
The 40 Syrians were tentatively slated to come to Bowling Green this year through the International Center of Kentucky's Bowling Green office.
That office's executive director, Albert Mbanfu, said he doesn't think the Syrians will make it here at all "until (Trump) changes his mind" – a prospect he isn't counting on.
"I just pray they don't get killed by ISIS," Mbanfu said of the 40 Syrians, who are in refugee camps in the Middle East.
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., supports Trump's executive order.
"I think there are two reasons why we ought to put a hold on it. One, we need to make sure that the people coming to our country are coming with good intentions," said Paul, a Bowling Green resident.
"The other thing is we have a lot of poor people already in Kentucky," Paul added, saying he thinks government should focus on taking care of the needs of those who are already here.
Mbanfu said concerns that refugees are not thoroughly vetted are based on a misconception.
"My guess is he does not have an understanding of the process," Mbanfu said of Trump.
"Tell me one thing that's not being done," he said, noting that the vetting process for refugees takes several years and the 40 Syrians who were slated to arrive here have been going through the vetting process for more than a year.
The Washington Post first reported on the proposed order. The order states as the reasoning behind it that “hundreds of foreign-born individuals have been convicted or implicated in terrorism-related crimes since September 11, 2001,” The Post reported.
The newpaper noted that most terrorist or suspected terrorist attacks since 9/11 "have been carried out by U.S. citizens. The 9/11 hijackers hailed primarily from Saudi Arabia, as well as the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon – all U.S. allies, and none of which would be affected by the immediate ban."
In an interview with ABC News on Wednesday, Trump said of the refugee ban and his plan to build a border wall with Mexico: “It’s going to be very hard to come in,” to the U.S. “Right now, it’s very easy to come in.”
Public meetings about the proposed resettlement of Syrians here last year drew mixed opinions, but after the meetings and discussions with local school districts, the Barren River District Health Department and other community organizations, The International Center decided in April to resettle 40 Syrians here.
"It's so, so depressing," Mbanfu said of Trump's stance.
"It totally goes against what this country is all about," he said, adding that the first refugees to come to the U.S. were those aboard the Mayflower.
— Follow city government reporter Wes Swietek on Twitter at twitter.com/BGDNgovtbeat or visit bgdailynews.com.
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