Wednesday, December 7, 2022

College Town At Christmas 2022: Staying Positive During Tough Times Like These

 I always end my Dad Rocks Podcast with these words, "Keep Working Hard, Keep Your Chin Up, Stay Positive and Stay Safe." So for this Christmas season living in our beloved college town of Bowling Green, Ky., where we are now a population of about 73,529 citizens (I understand a lot of newcomers are still moving into our area), this is my motto in order to stay positive. With the nation's economy at high inflation levels, high crime rates and tons of traffic issues across the country, keeping a positive attitude is one of the best things that we can do for ourselves especially during times like these.  Be safe out there and focus of what you do have.  Keep working hard, keep a positive attitude and everyone around you will notice it including your employer. It will rub off on them too like a chain reaction. Mainly, enjoy the season by getting into the spirit along with family and friends remembering what Christmas is all about.

    Just like with the Dad Rocks Private Facebook group, we are all about the music and that's what we focus on.  There is no "Fighting, arguing or BS."  Dealing with the internet in a proper way, is the mature, responsible thing to do.  Ignoring the bad stuff or not responding to nasty and negative people on the internet is also the mature and responsible thing to do.  A lot of people are exposed to bad stuff on internet everyday especially young people. They are often the target of child predators pretending to be a teenagers or whatever.  So I strongly advise you to use the internet in a proper way such as for shopping, keeping up with family and friends or conducting a business. I think this is a lesson that we have had all to learn through the years regarding being argumentative or fighting on the internet at one time or another.  Most of us are guilty of being key board warriors.  Like Dr. Phil says, "You wouldn't say something to somebody's face in an elevator that you would say hidden behind a keyboard would you?"  I think he has a very good point here.  So lets remember to be kind and nice to each other during this Christmas season whether face to face or on the internet.

Here's some things you can do to "Stay Positive" during this Christmas season during tough times like these:

Join a positive community or group of people on Facebook who have a common interest such as Dad Rocks where we promote good memories, Classic Rock music, humor and nostalgia. Mainly, you develop new positive friendships on the internet.

Take a stroll in Downtown Bowling Green, Ky., or in your own hometown to see the Christmas lights and eat at your favorite restaurant.

Be nice to your fellow co-workers or Associates by being friendly. Smile and say, "Hello," "Good Morning," "Have a Good Evening," "Have a Good Break" or "Good Lunch." Also, say "Thank you" or "Appreciate it."

Mainly, spend good quality time with your family members and friends by eating a good meal at home and watching Christmas movies together by the fireplace (if you have one).

Make Christmas very special for your pets such as your dog or cat. Buy them presents and share Christmas with them and really talk it up. Be sure to include them in all family activities during this time of the year.  And remember to always to give them upmost care and love that they deserve.  Remember, your best is not good enough when it comes to owning a dog or cat.  Give them your "ultimate" of everything.

Most importantly, be kind to each other with a cheerful and giving heart this Christmas season.  And remember the true reason for the Christmas season. Merry Christmas and Stay Positive!

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

"The Spirit Of Elvis" Reprinted From The Former Newsletter "The Southcentral Kentuckian," Collector's Story Edition # 1, 2005.

 (Note:The following story posted below is a reprint of a story that I wrote for my former short-lived newsletter called "The Southcentral Kentuckian," Collector's Story Edition #1, Oct.-Dec. 2005.  After seeing the 2022 Elvis movie at our local theater in Bowling Green, Ky., several weeks ago, I immediately thought of this story that I wrote about Elvis almost 17 years ago.  I even mailed a copy of it to Graceland Enterprises in Memphis, Tenn., which oversees the Elvis Presley estate and mansion where Pricilla Presley is the CEO. Graceland is now one of the top tourist attractions in the country.  And also the second most visited house in the USA besides The White House in Washington, D.C.  Btw, I thought the new movie was great and I highly recommend it everyone to see it if you get a chance especially if you're an Elvis fan like me. Also, I apologize for any mistakes you might find while reading this story. It is long and it was a lenghty process while typing it into the blog format.)

The Spirit of Elvis

By Galen A. Smith Sr.

Memphis, Tenn. _ Elvis Lives! Yes, that's right, he's alive and well at his home at Graceland on Elvis Presley Blvd., in Memphis.

Poster from the new Elvis movie

As a matter of fact, I just saw him on Aug. 31 at his house. Man, this guy's face, image, voice and music is over this beautiful mansion which was built in 1939. Elvis bought this southern style, stone house in 1957 and managed to live there until 1977 before his death due to heart failure and prescription drug addiction. Too bad he was only able to enjoy Graceland for 20 years before he left this world and all of his millions of fans. To this day, I am still amazed that "The King of Rock & Roll" is still popular as ever. Many people have said that Elvis didn't really, really get famous until after his death. To a certain degree I think this is true. However, I think he happened to be "at the right time at the right place," to claim his place on the popular throne in American history and culture. His name, music, songs and images are finely woven into the fabric of the America and the American South not to mention his claim to fame on the world-wide stage of admiring fans. From Mississippi to Germany and from Los Angeles to Moscow, his fan base still ranges in the millions and millions still to this day.

My Knowledge Of Elvis

I was born in Memphis in 1962 and lived in that city until I was 14 years-old before I moved further on down South in 1976. I had just moved to DeSoto County, Miss., the fall before the Summer of 1977 when Elvis died at his home. I remember the day of his death on Aug. 17, 1977. Donald Dillingham, a friend of mine from Eudora, Miss., where I lived on a private fishing lake in the rolling hills of North Mississippi on the bluff of the Delta near Eudora, and I had been to the drive-in theatre in South Memphis on U.S. 61 Highway the night before. My brother, Gary, had driven us up to the drive-in but I don't remember the movie we watched. Wait a minute...I think it was "Warriors" about street gangs fighting in New York City. That's right! And I remember too, that Classic Rock Star Joe Walsh's "In The City," was the theme song for the movie. Anyway, Donald and I, after drinking a couple of bottles of "Boone's Farm Apple Wine," (Lol) decided that we were going to walk home after the movie because Gary did not want to take us to Southhaven, Miss., to see these particular fine pretty ladies. Of course, we were only about 30 miles or so from our homes in Eudora. But little did we know that walking the streets of South Memphis at midnight would be a frightening event. Finally, we arrived in Southhaven but the girls were asleep and we decided not to disturb them. It was getting really late so we decided to go to a nearby gravel pit to sleep. (Lol) When morning finally arrived, we hitchhiked to Hernando to spend the afternoon with some friends. We talked one of our friends from Eudora on the phone to come to Hernando to come pick us up. I guess it was about 3 p.m. in the afternoon and I heard on the radio of this friend's station wagon that Elvis had just died at Baptist Hospital in Memphis. I said, "Hey, did you all hear that? Elvis died!" Then everyone in the vehicle said, "No way, that can't be true!" And I said, "Yes, it is, I just heard it, for real!" Needless to say, The King of Rock & Roll" was really dead.

The "Southcentral Kentuckian, 2005"

My first recollection of Elvis was the time I was invited to see "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," the Walt Disney movie starring Dick Vandyke that was showing at the Southland Mall not far from Elvis' house. I guess it was about 1968 and I was about six years-old.  When we drove by Elvis' house, the mother driving the car, "There's Elvis Presley's house and he's in Hollywood filming movies right now." I wasn't quite sure who Elvis Presley was at the time but I did have an idea that he was kind of famous in my young mind at the time. The main thing I remember about this particular moment was the gate to his house. I remember seeing musical notes and an image of man singing into a microphone. Then as the years rolled on by into the 70's, I would see Elvis on television, in movies, concert footage and the memorable "Live From Hawaii Via Satellite Concert." I think I was memorized watching all the women going crazy over him while they were receiving a kiss and scarf to remember him by. 

Then in the Summer of 1974, I met a new friend at an old church in Memphis where AA and Al-Alon meetings were being held. My mother would attend these meetings on Saturday and Wednesday nights and us kids of the parents who were there would have to hang around in the basement or outside to pass the time. But this one particular boy who was about my age, 12 years-old, named "Tommy" had become friends with Elvis and had met him at the Karate studio on Union Avenue. Tommy was taking Karate lesson and Elvis and his entourage would come there and do karate demonstrations and etc. Elvis befriended Tommy and even took to his house for dinner and gave him an autograph record on the album that was recorded in "The Jungle Room." that same year.  Yes, I was impressed but it was hard for me to believe it too. But I guess it was true.

In the Spring of 1977, I developed a bad sore throat and it would not get any better even though my dad had taken me to the local doctor in Hernando. Finally, he decided to take me to his doctor, and Elvis' doctor also, "Dr. Geroge Nichopoulous who lived and had a practice in Memphis. My dad said that "Dr. Nick" (affectionately known by Elvis and everyone else in Memphis) was famous for prescribing drugs without having to do surgery. Boy, how true it was! Yes, Dr. Nick was famous or infamous, I should say for prescribing drugs alright.  But little did we know at the time that Elvis was in a predicament with his drug addiction. However, I enjoyed meeting Dr. Nick and I remember he was wearing lots of gold and diamonds that Elvis had probably given him including the gold chain with the "TCB" pendant.

Before and after Elvis' death, I had hung out around Horn Lake, Miss., quite a bit because I had a friend on the private fishing lake who went to school in Horn Lake. There was this place called the "Gun Club" and apparently Elvis had built for him and Pricilla and his entourage to go ride horses and act crazy while having tons of fun. Supposedly, head several mobie homes moved down there so everyone had their own mobile homes at the gun club property near Walls, Miss., on Goodman Road. After Elvis' death, a group of investors quickly rented the property and started busing people from Graceland to the Gun Club to see the little house on the farm where Pricilla and Elvis spent their honeymoon. I remember they had an old school bus taking tourists back and fourth from Graceland and the bus did not have any air conditioning. You know those tourists had to be really hot!

My Feelings About Elvis

Me and my former neighbor, Lee Swetmon 
After seeing and being inside Elvis' house for the first time after living in Memphis and American South for 43 years, I realized that I have had a spiritual connection to Elvis just like he connects with all of his other fans and admirers. I had felt this same feeling once before when I was allowed to walk up to Elvis's grave in March of 1981 not long before it was turned into a museum and tourist attraction. Although, across the street which used to be a little strip shopping center, is now a part of the whole Graceland experience with Elvis gift shops, Elvis Hotel, Elvis Restaurant and etc. Also, his personal jet, the "Lisa Maria" is there along with some of his cars. I had my picture made in front of make believe gates and house in the distance. Then we were shuttled into a small bus and taken across the street while wearing head phone listening to Elvis' voice and some of his songs. I really felt enchanted and amazed. I couldn't believe it! Then we arrived on the front steps of his house and we were directed inside. The first thing I noticed was the blast of air that blew into my face and it had a sweet smell to it. I could feel "The Spirit of Elvis." Yes, he was here and alive. His spirit was in this house. Elvis had a very strong energy force that can still be felt today. As I walked through the living room and dining room and into into the kitchen. I was pretty much taking everything in like a sponge while trying to comprehend and absorb it all. Then we went downstairs into the "Television Room" that practically all yellow and then into the multi-color "Pool Table Room," then back upstairs to the "Jungle Room" and then out back to the "The Office," then "Gold Record Hall of Fame" and then out back to "Racquetball Building" that shows his crowing glory of world-wide and international fame at the pinnacle of his incredible singing career. However, my favorite spot was the "Meditation Garden" by the swimming pool. I was silent and inspired. The Spirit of Elvis had touched my life again. I felt as if I knew him and he knew me.


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Frank's BBQ in Bowling Green, Ky., Is "Not The Best, But Close."

Casey, Galen & Rae Rae

I dropped by Frank's BBQ at 412 Raven Street (behind Shady Ray's Pawn Shop at Gordon Avenue and Veteran's Blvd.) in Bowling Green and picked up the BBQ Family Pack for a rainy Tuesday night (Feb. 22, 2022) dinner at home with my wife, Patty. In the pic below are two hardworking ladies at the restaurant, Casey and Rae Rae, who are standing next to me. Their phone number is (270) 715-1197 and their hours are 11 a.m.-4 pm Monday thru Friday. Frank's BBQ was delicious and I highly recommend it! Plus, the staff is super friendly and nice too! Btw, Frank's slogan for the restaurant is "Not The Best, But Close" which I think is very clever!

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Bowling Green, Ky., Continues To Heal From The December 11, 2021 Deadly Tornado

It only took minutes for the deadly tornado which cut a path through Bowling Green in the early morning hours of December 11, 2021 to do at least two years worth of repairs and reconstruction for homes and businesses in our beloved Southcentral town of 72,000 citizens. It sounded like a nuclear bomb colliding with a train as the tornado took havoc in my neck of the woods especially since I only lived about eight houses away from Russellville Road where a Mexican restaurant, a gym and two auto
parts stores were blown away amongst many other structures including people's homes and apartments. Two liquor stores in town were spared but one was not so lucky. Below are some pics of The Greenway when Jude, my Aussie doggie and I took a walk in the sunny 55 degrees this afternoon. The Greenway is just down the street from my house. Jude and I have walked up and down this formerly beautiful path many times through the years. At least now, it appears that The Greenway and Creason Avenue area has come a long ways especially since FEMA came through not too long ago and picked tons of debris that had blown over the railroad tracks from Russellville Road. There is hope for BG after all. BG will rebuild and continue to heal its neighborhoods and main business streets such as Russellville Road and the U.S. 31-W By-Pass.

Newsroom Chronicles No. 2

30 years ago yesterday I rebooted my pest management career on Feb 1, 1995. I had worked for Orkin, a nationwide pest management company pri...