Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Phillips Family IGA In Hiseville, Ky., Offers Fresh Hot "Charlie Biggs' Fried Chicken That Hits The Spot In Rural Southcentral Kentucky

     I remember growing up down in the Deep South in North Mississippi in the late 70's that there was nothing better than a thick cut piece of bologna slapped on two slices of Wonder white bread, a slice of thick cheddar cheese with mayonnaise on a hot summer day. Also, I always had a bag of Funyuns Onion Flavored Rings and a Nehi peach soda to go along with it.
    Nowadays, when I travel and work the back highways of rural Southcentral Kentucky, I always seem to find these nice little country stores that has a deli in the back that serves some sort of hot food.  One of my favorites is Phillips Family IGA http://www.phillipsiga.com/ in Hiseville, Ky., several miles north of Glasgow, Ky., just of U.S. 31-E and several miles east of Cave City.
     Of course, they can make you a fresh bologna sandwich if you wish. But I prefer their "Charley Biggs' Chicken and Sauce."http://charleybiggs.com/  It's a deli brand of fried chicken that I am sure that you can get at other similar types of rural grocery stores across the country.  To me, there's nothing better than a Charley Biggs' chicken breast and a couple of fried potato logs. I love their "I'm on Fire!" which is Charley Biggs' "Kickin' It Up Hot Sauce." It's hot but it's damn good and it goes great with the fried chicken breast and potato logs.  Usually, I''ll grab me a ice cold, 12 ounce can of Coca Cola to go along with it too.
The next time you are up that way, you've got to try Charlie Biggs' chicken and sauce at Phillips Family IGA in Hiseville.  The Phillips family are super, friendly people and apparently they have been serving the grocery needs of their little community for years.  But for an outsider like me from Bowling Green, who pops in every now and then, you can't go wrong with their Charley Biggs Fried Chicken at their deli in the back of the store.  You know, I think they may even be giving the Colonel a run for the money these days.  At least I know they are in their little town with a population of 240 citizens and the surrounding area!

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