Monday, December 9, 2013

Sleeper Agent's "Winter Wonderland" Verizon Wireless 2013 ChristmasCommercial Is Now Available on iTunes

   My previous entry about the Bowling Green, Ky., based alternative rock band, Sleeper Agent and their "Winter Wonderland" Verizon Wireless 2013 Christmas commercial is now my most widely read blog with 11,522 pageviews! Simply, amazing for sure!  My second highest read blog has 4,562 pageviews and it took three and half years to get to this point. Obviously, viewers of this Christmas commercial are wanting to know what the name of this alternative rock band that did a cover of "Winter Wonderland."  This is a classic song that has put the Christmas spirit in people's hearts for years.  So now everybody knows and they can even have their own copy of the full version of the Sleeper Agent song.  Thanks to Sleeper Agent's manager, Missy Worth, who is based in Hollywood, Calif., and their management team at RCA Records in New York City, they made it happen in just four days according to band member, Tony Smith.
   You can download Sleeper Agent's version of "Winter Wonderland" that has been taking the world by storm or "snow storm," if you will by clicking on to this link to make your purchase for only a $1.29.  And along the way, grab yourself some Christmas Cheer!


  1. Check out the awesome new song "Waves" from Sleeper Agent and download it now for free!

  2. LOVE Sleeper Agent!!!! Cannot wait for the new album, About Last Night, coming in May!!!

  3. Actually, their new album comes out March 25th. You can pre-order it on-line tomorrow. And the lyric video for "Waves" comes out on Vevo tomorrow also!-Galen

  4. You're right, March 25th! Love the video for "Waves" check it out :)

  5. Also just downloaded it for FREE on their website!!

  6. Sleeper Agent on tour--BEHIND THE SCENES! Super cool, check it out.

  7. About Last Night is AWESOME!!! Check out "Waves" !

  8. Thank you, Emy! The band really appreciates you being a fan! :)

  9. So excited to see Sleeper Agent in Seattle, April 22nd!!!!


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