Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"On The Cover Of Rolling Stone!" It Just Might Be Alex Kandell Of Sleeper Agent Next

     I am signed up for Google Alerts and I received one the other morning on my cell phone about Sleeper Agent and Rolling Stone magazine.  I had just woke up and I hadn't brewed or drank any coffee yet.  However, I put on my bathrobe and then proceeded to put my eye glasses on as I thumb through my e-mails until I found it again gingerly holding my cellphone.  And then all of sudden I was like totally surprised and amazed that Alex Kandell of  Bowling Green, Ky.'s indie rock group, "Sleeper Agent" was picked to be one of six women rock (or rap?) singers to be in Rolling Stone's "Women Who Rock" series contest! I asked Tony about it and he was like, "Well, yeah dad, me and Alex told you and mom about it several weeks ago.  Don't you remember?"
       Since I am 50 years-old and I don't quite remember everything that is told to me in passing by Tony, Alex or Patty, I have to blame it on too much partying in my younger days. Lol!  That's my only explanation at the moment regarding my loss of memory.  However, if you want to vote for Alex and Sleeper Agent, all you have to do is go to the link and vote for Alex Kandell of Sleeper Agent.  It would be much appreciated by the band-Alex, Tony, Justin, Lee, Scott and Josh and all of rock music lovers of Bowling Green, Ky!

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