Recently, there was headlines news about an Alabama law firm
http://www.foxnews.com/health/2011/01/25/wheres-beef-taco-bell-sued-ingredients/who is suing Louisville, Ky., based Taco Bell. http://www.tacobell.com/ Their claim is that the beef which the fastfood Mexican restaurant giant serves is not real beef. However, Taco Bell is stating that the lawsuit is bogus and they have rolled out a full-fledge public relations campaign to counter the negative publicity; they have even placed ads in the some of the country's largest newspapers (New York Times, Boston Globe and Wall Street Journal among several others) to help educate the public about this bogus lawsuit. They have also created a web-sitehttp://www.tacobell.com/company/newsreleasearticle/Statement-Regarding-Class-Action-Lawsuit with all sorts of positive information along with videos to further educate the public about the type of beef that they use in their menu items.

Personally, I do not have a "beef" with Taco Bellhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taco_Bell regarding this issue. I have been a fan of Taco Bell practically my whole life and I will continue to eat there regardless. I even had lunch there today. And yes, I had a taco with beef in it. I think the lawsuit is bullcrap and should be thrown out of court. As long as there are lawyers, there will continue to be frivilous lawsuits like this. They tend to always take aim at big corporations who offer great products at great prices. Geez, only in America!
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