Monday, November 25, 2024

College Town At Christmas 2024: Making A Gratitude List Does Not Cost You A Dime

 What is free in life?

Air, water (sometimes), the ability to walk around in public places or freedom of speech? Now, let's look even more deeper.  With Thanksgiving approaching fast, what do you have gratitude for in your own life this holiday season? Your spouse, your children, your dog, your cat, your home, your cars, your job, your community or your church? What about your freedom to worship in a particular church or having faith in God? How about your local government, leaders, police force or fire department? Or what about our country (America), our national leaders or our military? How about our schools, college and universities across the country? What about our doctors, hospitals and have access to medicine? What about food, grocery stores and retail stores? But remember money is not everything in life (I know. But it sure helps to have a job and money of course). As the old saying goes (which is very true) having lots of money will not buy you happiness, that's for sure. We have all heard stories of people making millions and then losing it all.  Or people who win the lottery and they get the lottery curse loosing it all or something bad happens to them. I think you get the picture.

Yes, having gratitude does not cost us a dime when we begin to do our own inventory of what we are thankful this holiday season.  To be honest, I have had a tough 2024 this year already especially since my wife was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in April.  As her full-time caregiver, I have had to learn to take a daily inventory of my own gratitude list. I always come to the conclusion that I am very blessed.  Oh, I could sit around and feel sorry for myself for many different reasons.  And I have to admit some times I do have bad days just like my wife does.  We are fallible human beings. But that's part of life.  Nothing will ever make you totally happy.  It's the little things in life that make you happy. Nothing is permanent either.  Everything changes sooner or later.  Nothing stays the same. When life throws you a curve ball, you learn to adjust.  It's in our DNA as human beings to learn to adjust and make changes.  We are always adjusting to new things and new situations whether we like it or not.  We learn to make the best of it-one day at a time. We are always striving to find routine in our lives day in and day out.  Routine is the key to what helps us survive in this world.  Just like holiday traditions, It is a time to be together as a family and a community in order to be thankful for what we do have in our own lives.

So with that said, do yourself a favor and do your own gratitude list this season.  Think of what you are thankful for-big or small.  And I bet that you will find that you are blessed like me.  And it will definitely take the burden of stress off your shoulders. God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving as well as Merry Christmas!

Newsroom Chronicles No. 2

30 years ago yesterday I rebooted my pest management career on Feb 1, 1995. I had worked for Orkin, a nationwide pest management company pri...