America is the greatest country in the world thanks to these people and its hardworking, productive, taxpaying citizens. It's these people who make it possible to do what we do in America. We are able to go to work and come home and have peace and freedom in our homes without the fear of someone attacking us or trying to take what we have. So I highly suggest this coming November election, I certainly hope that you will re-elect President Trump in order to continue to protect these freedoms thanks to all of military veterans who have worked and fought in order to protect our freedoms in America and continue to do so on a daily basis. And also, I thank America's forefathers for what they did in creating this country along with our Constitution which also protects these freedoms that we have today. So on this Fourth of July of 2020, please thank about all the freedoms you have as American citizen while you grill your hamburgers, BBQ ribs, hot dogs, shooting fireworks with friends and family while drinking your ice cold beer. And mainly, fly your American flag and thank a veteran, a police officer, a fireman or a EMS worker when you get a chance. Thank you and God Bless America! And Happy Fourth of July!