Saturday, December 7, 2019

College Town At Christmas: The Highs and Lows of 2019

    I have to admit that I have been struggling a bit lately on what to write about for this year's annual Christmas blog.  So finally it dawned on me this morning that I should write about the highs and lows of 2019. In other words, the good, the bad and the ugly

    In some ways, 2019 has been a great year for me but a lot of hard work.  My tag team partner in crime (lol) who is my wife, Patty, is a full-time housewife and takes excellent care of our home. She does the cooking, cleaning, laundry and mainly takes care of our beloved and very protective almost four year-old Australian Shepherd male dog named, "Jude." She also likes to workout at the gym, go out to eat at local restaurants, go to movies, works crossword puzzles, play computer spelling games, Facebook and watches jeopardy.  And me?  Ah, I just work all the time. (lol).  I am in my prime working years and saving for my retirement. Like they say, "Make hay while the sun is shining, right?" And that's basically all I am doing currently in my life these days. But I do still like to write some (when I get a chance), go the the gym some, ride my bicycle some, do yard work and fool around on the computer (Youtube, Blogger and Facebook) and use my iPhone for social media apps besides for work purposes  So here my list for 2019, the highs and the lows. 

The Highs:

1.) We traveled to Pensacola Beach twice again this year and stayed at our favorite hotel, Margaritaville Pensacola Beach Hotel.  We have stayed there at least eight times in the last six or seven years and always enjoy our time and money spent there.  The love the Gulf of Mexico, the view, the beach and the seafood. The only problem is that we never get to stay long enough because of the type of work I do.

2.) We were able to see the Blue Angels practice this year at the Naval Air Station at Pensacola.  Wow, what an awesome and incredible display of American's finest military jet aircraft and some of the world's best display of highly skilled pilots flying those jet aircraft! Exciting and exhillarating!

3.) Bowling Green and Southcentral is very ripe with a large amount economic growth and we are a growing community.  Apartment complexes, stores, restaurants and factories are popping up everywhere in this town and our surrounding communities. There's plenty of work here for me and our company to do and for everyone else also.  I had another successful year in my job at work. It just takes for someone to put forth a conscious effort and work hard if you want to make a decent living for yourself and your family in this college town where Western Kentucky University is located. You have to keep pushing yourself and be dedicated and committed.

4.) We had some home improvements done to our house this year that I am very proud of.  My house is the same age as me (57 years-old) but they don't build them like this anymore. It's a solid brick home and it's in good shape in a fairly decent neighborhood in Bowling Green and we want to keep it that way.

The Lows:

1.) My brother-in-law passed away in Memphis in this fall.  He had been married to my sister for almost 50 years.  He was a very intelligent and good guy and I loved him very much as my brother-in-law and friend.  He will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved him. My wife and I attended his funeral mass at Church of Nativity in Bartlett, Tenn.

2.) My beloved alma mater of the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Miss., or affectionately known as just "Ole Miss" has had major struggles these past few years.  There's many alumni, students, friends and parents such as myself who are upset that the extreme liberal leftists professors and administrators are destroying the college's traditions and heritage such as wanting to move the Confederate statue off campus. They also got rid of the Col Reb. as the mascot and quit playing the Dixie song at football games. They got rid of the Rebel flag years ago. Mainly, the took one of my former professor's name off the journalism building as he was accused of being a racists because he supposedly posted some pictures on Facebook about some things going on the downtown square late at night.  He had given the university five million dollars for the journalism school.  Needless to say, after they removed his name from the building, he took the money back and gave it another non-profit organization in Mississippi.  I don't blame him one bit for that.  We also have a Facebook group called "Make Ole Miss Great Again." (MOMGA) where all over 6,000 of us comment and discuss all of the issues and are trying to take action to try to fight the extreme liberal leftist activities on campus that are effecting destroying our university as we used to know it.

3.) The impeachment process of President Trump. It's a bunch of liberal Democrat bullshit and lies in my opinion.  And that's all that I going to say about that.

4.) And finally as we all just saw on the world news yesterday, a second lieutenant in the Saudi Arabian military who was involved in flight training at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla., shot and killed three people and wounded eight others.  This is very sad too me since Patty and I had just visited the base this past summer to see the Blue Angels practice.  Everyone was super nice and friendly and we also went inside and visited the Military Aircraft Museum and watched the IMAX movie about aircraft carriers. Security personnel only asked for was to see our driver license ID in order to get on base, other entry points and the museum. The Blue Angels practice was free along with entering the museum.  However, we did have to pay a small fee to see the IMAX movie.  Most likely after this deadly shooting, there will probably some additional security measures added.  At least I would hope.  All in all, it's a very sad and Patty and I send out prayers to the victims and the wounded and to their family and friends as well as all military personnel, base personnel and law and safety enforcement personnel. 

    For me, 2019, was not a bad year in all.  Like I said there were some highs and lows.  Everybody has highs and lows in their lives.  As we get older, we have to learn to take the good along with the bad.  We learn to work and provide for ourselves and our families.  And as human beings, we learn survival instincts in the modern world of machinery, cars, planes, chemicals, natural disasters, disastrous weather, drugs, crime and just pure evil in the world.  However, no matter how good things can get in life, people still resent other people because of race or skin color, financial envy, refugees, foreigners, atheists, gay people, religious, hypocrites, lazy people, drug addiction, alcoholism,
mental illness and homeless people. But there is hope and a bright inner light in the world.  And his name is Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins.  I am believer and I attend Catholic mass regularly.  However, I view myself as no better than any one else.  Because I believe as a Catholic, we all go to the same table for communion to partake in the body and blood of Jesus Christ whether rich or poor or black or white.  It's does not matter what your background is as long you believe and become a full fledge Catholic in communion with the church. (Note: converts like me require RCIA classes).  I may not like everyone at our church but at least I can look everyone in the eyes and know the real reason we are there together under the same roof.

    So this is my Christmas blog for 2019 "College Town At Christmas" in Bowling Green, Ky. I hope you enjoyed it.  If not, I'm sorry. But regardless, I pray for those who are suffering because of lack of shelter, food, medical care and for those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol.  And I pray for the darkness in the world.  For those people who hate our government and our president and want to destroy him.  And for those who hate Ole Miss for what it used to be and how they want to change it to a liberal cess pool, taking away everything for what it used to stand for, our traditions and heritage.  God Bless America and Merry Christmas! And Hotty Totty!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Never Underestimate The Power of MOMGA

Never underestimate the power of "MOMGA," or "Making Ole Miss Great Again" Whether you believe it or not, we are an incredibly strong voice in the process of rebuilding Ole Miss (The University of Mississippi in Oxford, Miss.) to the awesome university that it deserves to be in order to preserve its traditions and heritage. Currently, we are fighting a tough battle against the liberal, radical leftists one battle after another whether it be Col. Reb, the Confederate statue or the Dixie song among other things. And now we are fighting dearly for
Me in the Summer of 1986 in Oxford
our new Ole Miss Chancellor, Dr. Boyce. It almost reminds of me of the Civil War and the scars that Ole Miss endured during that era. Our journey into this war all began for us from out of nowhere last fall when the "Dr. Meek and the Ole Miss Journalism School debacle" exploded on social media which created a firestorm locally, statewide and nationally getting our attention and it brought
Me in Fall of 1986 at Ole Miss
thousands of us long lost alumni back together into the fold. So here's the thing. You and I are part of history. We all have made an impact on Ole Miss and the Ole Miss community already for the better in this Facebook group in order to get our university, our beloved alma matter of Ole Miss back on track. I feel we are setting an example for other alumni and other universities across the nation in order for them to win back their universities too from the liberal, radical leftist professors, administrators and students at their institutions of higher learning. Never give up the good fight. The war will be won by us against the liberal, radical leftist at Ole Miss who are trying to destroy our beloved university. Go Rebels and Hotty Toddy!

Note: If you are an Ole Miss alumni, friend, supporter, fan, student, staff, retired staff or even an administrator or professor, please join us the MOMGA movement on Facebook.  Please do a Facebook search in the search bar for "Make Ole Miss Great Again." And please join us and help us fight against the liberal, leftist radicals who are trying to destroy Ole Miss! We would love to have you on our side!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Wild Bucks, Honky Tonks And Other Crazy Stories From The American South: Case Knives, The Sawmill and The Supervisior

Case Knives, The Sawmill and The Supervisor

This Is An On-Going Short Story Fiction Series

By Wild Bucks

     Sawmill supervisor Raymond Richards sat at his kitchen table in his brand, spanking new doublewide trailer in the south part of Muhlenberg County, Ky., after a long day at work. He was extremely proud of his new trailer as the all stainless steel kitchen appliances sparkled in the background behind him where he was sitting.

     A young insurance agent name Bill Lester who was fresh out of college from Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Ky., and was a very naive and gullible but a friendly fellow who was trying to make his way in the world by selling life insurance and cancer policies as his first job right out of college in 1988.  As Bill sat next to Raymond, Raymond held up his left hand and said to the young sales agent,  "You see this middle finger?

"Yes Sir, I do" Bill answered.

 "I lost half of it in a saw at the sawmill in Greenville," Raymond said.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Sir," Bill said.

 "You don't have to call me Sir," Raymond said.

    Then Raymond pulled out a big clear plastic bag of marijuana out of a desk drawer next to the table and picked out of a large bud of weed with green and purple looking looking hairs sticking out of it.  It smelled heavily of Christmas tree pine needles.  Then Raymond pulled out some rolling papers from his front shirt pocket and began to roll a joint.

"Man, this stuff is sticky.  They call it skunk weed," he said as he began breaking off the bud into tiny pieces onto the paper laying flat on the table.  Then he began to roll it up.  As he stuck the joint in his mouth, he pulled out a Bic lighter, lit the joint and took at big hit with his mouth and lungs.

    All of sudden, a humongous cloud of smoke came billowing out of Raymond's mouth and he began choking and coughing. He face was turning red and he said to Bill, "You want some?"

"Nah, I'm good, Sir" Bill said.

"Come on, it's really good. It's kickass. And don't call me "Sir", remember?" Raymond said.

"No, that's okay. I'm good. Really. And sorry about calling you Sir," Bill said with a little and uneasiness and assertiveness in his voice at the same time.

   Bill had a young wife and baby in a small but fairly decent apartment back in Bowling Green which was about sixty miles southeast of the small-town of Greenville.  Greenville is the county seat for the good folks of Muhlenberg County.  Muhlenberg County was known as the king of coal producers of Western Kentucky back in its day or at one time, one of the largest coal producing Kentucky counties west of the Mississippi River.  And supposedly, there were more millionaires in this county at one time than anywhere else in the United States during the 60's, 70's and 80's.  Also, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Fossil coal burning plant is in Paradise, Ky., in the southeastern part of the county on Ky. 431 highway between Central City to Russellville where one of the largest electric steam shovel in the country was owned and used by Peabody Coal Company. 

    As Raymond continued to smoke the joint of marijuana, he eyes started turning glassy and red.  He reached over to stereo cassette deck player and put on some Pink Floyd's "The Wall" using a big set of  Hi-Fi speakers on the kitchen counter.  Young Bill was quite sure to make of all of this.  He was starting to get a little worried.  He didn't know where Raymond was going with this. Bill had seen some of his fraternity brothers back at college smoke weed at the fraternity house but he never really paid much attention to it because it was not his thing and was really never around it much.

   Then Raymond got up from the table and said, "Here, let me show you something. Follow me." He took Bill to a back hallway where he opened the door to a back bedroom where he had a big black pit bull dog chained to the floor.  The dog was growling and barking while showing his big white teeth.  He was guarding several big pound bags of weed on the bed and there stacks and stacks of Case knife sets everywhere in the room.  Case knives are known to be the Cadillac of pocket knives in the knife world.  But Raymond literally had hundreds and hundreds of Case knives in boxes everywhere in the room.  On the bed, under the bed, on top of the dresser, in the closet, in the bottom of the closet and top of the shelf in the closet.  He had some of the most expensive Case knives sets you'd ever buy.  Even some with diamonds in the bone colored handles. American and Patriotic knife sets, Christmas and Holiday knife sets, Halloween and Thanksgiving knife sets, John Deere knife sets, fishing and hunting life sets and even sawmill knife sets.

     When they got back to the kitchen, Raymond offered Bill a bourbon and coffee.  Bill declined the bourbon but took a cup of coffee with cream and sugar in it. After they started drinking their cups of coffee at the table together, Raymond looked Bill in the eye and said, "I am going to be honest with you.  Even though, I am a supervisor at the sawmill, I am also a drug dealers.  And with my profits, I invest in Case knives as a coverup.  Everybody thinks I'm part-time flea market dealer on the side"

   "I'll tell you what I will do for you.  I'll buy some life insurance from you and one of your cancer policies. But you have to buy a Case knife from me and I'll even give you a discount.  And also, if you tell anyone what I just told you what I really do for a living, I'll have you cut up into pieces at the saw mill!" Raymond told Bill in a dead serious tone of voice.

     So Bill agreed and hurriedly pulled out the paper work and applications to be filled it out. Then he had Raymond to sign them.  Bill picked out a Case knife which acted like he liked. It was a "Texas Jack Toothpick" with a red bone handle and then paid Raymond for it by pulling out some cash out of his wallet after he received a 10% discount.   Then they both stood up from the kitchen table, shook hands and Bill was out the door.  Later on he delivered the polices but decided not to go back inside. Bill just stayed on the front porch.

     32 years later, the Case knife that Bill bought from Raymond still sets in a little stand on his desk in the office at his home.  Bill no longer sells life insurance but works at Ace Hardware as a manger in Bowling Green where they sell Case knives. As for Raymond, Bill read in the Bowling Green Daily News several years ago, that he was murdered at a saw mill in Greenville and cut up into pieces.  Obviously, Police suspect foul play.  But no arrests have been made in the case to this date.

“This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.”


Monday, July 8, 2019

New Updated Version: Chaney's Dairy Barn And Bottled Milk-Sweet Tasting Milk From Southcentral Kentucky

(Note: Below is the original blog that I wrote about Chaney's Milk posted on 3/26/11. And then below that is the big news story about their new bottled milk processing facility that was aired on WBKO Television recently along with a current video at the bottom featuring the dairy and the Governor of Kentucky).

I recently tried a new homegrown product that I bought at Houchens IGA Store the other day that's made right here in Kentucky. Well, actually, it's not made by humans. It's made by cows-it's milk! It's called, "Chaney's Milk." This stuff is absolutely delicious! I highly recommend it and you can only purchase it at Houchens IGA Stores or Houchen's Jr. Food Stores in Bowling Green, Ky., and Southcentral Kentucky.

People who live around here have been hearing a lot about Chaney's Dairy Barn these last several years. Chaney's does a lot of advertising on the radio and television and they are have special events such as "Moovie Nights" at their dairy barn especially for children. I have eaten had their awesome ice cream several times and it's really good too. You can't beat their ice cream either.

So if you want a true sweet taste of Bowling Green and Southcentral Kentucky head on over to Houchens IGA or Jr. Food Store and grab a half gallon of Chaney's milk. This is milk is totally awesome! And if you're wanting some incredible ice cream, head on out to Chaney's Dairy Barn which about five miles south of Bowling Green on U.S. 31-W (Nashville Road) heading towards Franklin, Ky.

UPDATE: 7/6/19

(Note: Chaney's Dairy Barn on Nashville Road in Bowling Green now has their own bottled milk processing facility and their milk will be on the shelves at local groceries stores soon.  They had stopped selling on the shelves five years ago. But now they have started their operation back up since they have their own bottling processing facility. Currently, you can purchase all their milk products including ice cream at their business just outside of Bowling Green on U.S. 31-W North near Richpond and Warren South High and Jr. High Schools, heading north towards Franklin, Ky.)

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (WBKO) - Nearly 16 years ago Chaney's Dairy Barn opened and now those at the farm have accomplished a goal set when they opened in 2003. 
Chaney's Dairy Barn is now processing and bottling their own milk. 
The new facility has officially been up and running for about one week now and their milk can be bought in the store there at the dairy barn. 
Chaney's Dairy Barn gets their milk from Jersey cows, which they say makes their product unique. 
"And jersey milk is higher in calcium, it's higher in protein, it's higher in solids, and of course the milk is higher in butterfat so I think our product is a little unique, a little different than what most people are used to," said Carl Chaney, Owner of Chaney's Dairy Barn. 
They say they have a deal to have their milk in Houchens stores and their goal is to have their milk available in multiple stores. 
"I mean, Houchens, of course, they are just a great local partnership that we are going to have from our discussions. I think we will be able to have the milk in about 10 different stores," said Chaney. "I know we're looking at maybe the local Kroger stores, that might be a possibility."
Chaney's Dairy Barn is open Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. and Sunday 12 p.m. - 8 p.m. 

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Large Local Fan Turnout At Recent New Album Signing For Cage The Elephant's "Social Cues" At Mellow Matt's Records & More In Bowling Green, Ky.


   Cage The Elephant and I go way back in Bowling Green during their early days before their second album release in 2011, "Thank You, Happy Birthday.'
Cage The Elephant

    Since CTE is from Bowling Green and my son, Tony Smith, who is also a Bowling Green musician, songwriter and producer and who now lives in East Nashville,  he became friends with CTE band brothers, Matt and Brad Shultz, earlier in their early days of the band's beginnings and eventually "Sleeper Agent," was formed (Tony's former band) and the rest is history. And that's another story to tell in of itself one day. However, the first time I saw CTE perform was at the second annual "Starry Nights Music Festival" in Bowling Green (which is now defunct) in the October of 2010. I was blown away by the band. (see video below) In the meantime, here's a little info about that time period during CTE's history with Sleeper Agent and the Bowling Green Music Scene on their Wikipedia page. I like to call it the "Heyday of the Bowling Green Music Scene":
Sleeper Agent

   'The group's audience expanded widely throughout 2011. Although they were formed in the 2000s, the band earned the top spot in Rolling Stone's "Reader's Poll: The Best New Artist of 2011". The band Sleeper Agent, another Bowling Green music group and close friends with Cage the Elephant, came in second place. The magazine also named Thank You, Happy Birthday as the 15th best album of the year. That year, Cage the Elephant and Manchester Orchestra embarked on a co-headlining tour with Sleeper Agent as the opening band. In January 2012, the band released the album Live from The Vic in Chicago, recorded during their 2011 tour, and also toured with the Big Day Out music festival."

   Even though that is a long and interesting story especially on Sleeper Agent's part as far as I'm concerned, I will stay focused in this particular blog segment on CTE's recent new album signing for "Social Cues" at Mellow Matt's Records and More on Smallhouse Road in Bowling Green which was a grand experience for CTE local fans and the Bowling Green Music Scene from all appearances while I videotaped the event from the outside of the building and in the parking lot as well as the grass.
CTE's New Album, "Social Cues"

    Mellow Matt's is a small record store with not much space in a strip shopping mall. However, Matt and his staff somehow manage large crowd turnouts in order for fans to get autographs on records and CD's from famous bands such as CTE. It's also where Sleeper Agent had their second release album party in 2014 for "About Last Night." The crowd for Sleeper Agent was not quite as large as CTE's but they nonetheless they had a good turnout and that was Matt's number one album selling album for the year he had claimed. Actually, this was CTE''s was second new album signing at Mellow Matt's. The first one was a couple of years ago at the store for their fourth album, "Tell I'm Pretty," in which they won a Grammy for "Best Rock Album in 2015. I was not able to make it to that signing. But since I have a new HD DVC camera that my son, Tony, gave to my birthday, I decided to try it out in the parking lot at the CTE signing at Mellow Matt's. There are three little short video clips that I posted below from my Youtube Channel. They are not perfect by no means but I do believe I was able to capture a little of the magic, spirit and excitement among CTE's many local fans that were lined up waiting to get inside. And hopefully, I'll get better with the camera as time goes on. (Note: I did receive Mellow Matt's permission on the phone prior the signing in order to make these video clips). I also included one of CTE performing the song "Tiny Robots" at the Starry Nights Music Festival in 2010. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the videos!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

America's Bud Light Cult Following: Frat Parties In The 80's, 2019 Super Bowl Ads And No Corn Syrup

    When Bud Light first hit the market in 1982 in its early days of introduction to the world,  I remember a lot of frat parties in the 80's at Ole Miss in Oxford, Miss., where the new fantastic and great tasting light beer was being served to guzzling college students playing beer games using a keg, a pump and a black hose with that little handheld flexible tap.

     According to USA Today, Budweiser's Bud Light is the number one selling beer in America these days with about 33 million barrels shipped a year. It's not just for your average, run of the mill for the beer guzzling frat boy anymore.  Oh no, it's much, much bigger than that.
    Just about everywhere you go nowadays-grocery stores, convenient stores, liquors stores, restaurants, bars, small sporting events and at the one of the biggest events in the world such as the NFL's Super Bowl with millions and millions of viewers watching on television.  And TV ads for the big event costs a sponsor such as Bud Light,  millions and millions of dollars for a 30 second spot.

 Bud Light was one of the major sponsor for this years Super Bowl in February with some memorable ads stressing the fact that they use "No Corn Syrup" in order to make their beer where some of the major other light beers do such as  "Miller Lite," and "Coors Light." Wow, earth shattering news, right! Lol.

 Also, Bud Light, the industry giant and leader, is the first to promote their new policy of labeling Bud Light boxes with nutrition and ingredient labels as a leader of the pack that shoots them even further into the stratosphere of the beer world. The nutritional labels are hard to miss: they are bold, black and white, and big. They're the same type of labels you see in other food categories.

   Most of us who watched the Super Bowl between the New England Patriots and the LA Rams, probably thought the game was pretty much a bore.  I did somewhat but what I remember about it the most was the Bud Light commercials.  I think the ads worked on me because now I know the beer has no corn syrup in it!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Ole Miss Lives On Forever

Ole Miss is a place. It’s a place that lives on in our hearts and minds whether we are 18 years-old or 94 years-old. It does not matter if you live in Nantucket, Mass., or Bowling Green, Ky., some of us attended school there and some of us did not. Nevertheless, Ole Miss is the place that you see in your mind when you close your eyes and meditate upon her. When I shut my eyes, I can see myself standing in The Grove or The Circle looking at the front of The Lyceum at a moment’s notice. I can still hear the Ole Miss choir standing on the staircase of The Lyceum during my freshman year back in December of 1982 singing Christmas carols to the administration and staff on the last day of school before the holiday break or in Fulton Chapel singing the Ole Miss Mater Song during an Award ceremony in the early Spring. No, we could never be mad at Ole Miss for what she stands for and what she means to us. She lives on forever and our love for will never end.  No one can ever kill our love for her or take away our memories. We will all die one day but she will live on forever creating new memories in the hearts and minds of new students and people from other places from far away and in-between. Hotty Toddy!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

There's A Small-town Disco That Still Lives On In My Head

    I still think about it all the time while driving my work truck throughout the rolling hills of Southcentral Kentucky during the day.
     I can't get it out of my head.  The music still lives on my mind and motivates me after all these years.  I may not be able to dance or move like I used too but I still find the music especially motivating and inspiring.  I really love to listen to it with my iPhone and earplugs while walking on the treadmill at the gym.  I have a whole playlist on Amazon Prime Music dedicated to Disco and Dance Music. I find it invigorating and youthful.  There's just something about it.  I have a fantasy that if I was super wealthy, I would build a mansion in Bowling Green with a disco in it with the lights, dance floor, sound system and the whole nine yards and invite all my friends over to dance.

 The other day while driving my work truck, all of sudden the 1980 hit disco song, "Stomp" by Brothers Johnson came on the Sirius radio channel's Studio 54.  My mind began wander back to the days of my dad's lake house in the hills of North Mississippi when I was a 16 year-old kid in the fall of 1978.  I can still see myself looking in the mirror dressing up in my polyester pants and shirt. I had a job to do but it did not pay anything. I worked for free in 1978 because I loved it.  I was the disc jokey at the former small-town disco on the square of Hernando, Miss., in North Mississippi.

    Also, I couldn't wait to get out on the dance floor to strut my stuff.  I thought I was really cool.  I was the "Disco Boy."  My brother and friend used to like to tease me when he got home from the disco at night.  I didn't mind though because he thought it was funny.  It reminded me of that Frank Zappa song, "Disco Boy," or his other Zappa's other hit song during that time period, "Dancin' Fool.

  The small-town disco was alcohol free where the local kids could come in and dance at no charge.  I would be upstairs on the balcony sitting at a little desk flickering light switches on and off while the kids below danced on the dance floor lined with Christmas lights basically to the disco music on the jukebox.  Lol. And yes, there was a disco mirror ball too hanging from the ceiling with a couple of spotlights shinning on it too.  I had lots of fun with it for a while until I started getting bored with it.  Especially, since I was not making any money.  Eventually, the owner of the disco got upset with me because I quit showing up.  I told him, "Look,  you're not paying me anyway, so I do have to show up."  Eventually, the disco was turned into a video game arcade which was really popular with the local kids also because they had lots of PacMan, Gallatical and other popular games at the time.  But regardless, there's still a small-town disco that lives on my mind and I can't get it out of my head.  It's engrained in there. I don't mind though.  Because they are really sweet memories! Happy 2019!

Newsroom Chronicles No. 2

30 years ago yesterday I rebooted my pest management career on Feb 1, 1995. I had worked for Orkin, a nationwide pest management company pri...