Monday, August 20, 2018

Tompkinsville, Kentucky's World Famous Dovie Burgers

     TOMPKINSVILLE, KY.  _ As I slid out of my vehicle in the parking lot, I pulled out my iPhone out of my front left pant pocket and began snapping a couple pics of the outside of "Dovie's," home of the world famous "Dovie Burger" in Tompkinsville, Ky., which is about hour and twenty minute drive away from Bowling Green.

Once inside, I felt like I had stepped into a time machine, taking me back to the 1940's when the restaurant was first established with the same interior inside that absolutely fits an institution of hamburger royalty in rural Southcentral Kentucky and small town America.
    I came to pay my respects to the burger with a reputation that goes way beyond its restaurant's wood panelling walls and hardwood floors with a Coca Cola sign above a local bulletin board.  The Dovie burger reputation not only spreads throughout Kentucky but way beyond its borders perhaps even worldwide I would dare say.
There's also a square formica counter with stools on all sides on the inside. This is where I took my seat to honor and devour the almighty Dovie burger.  The crown jewel centerpiece and focal point of the restaurant is the large and secured gas frying pans with soybean oil in them that sits in the middle of the square counter where the guests sit to eat.  There were a couple of ladies wearing Dovie T-shirts and skirts frying the burgers while a couple of others ladies served the guests and worked the cash registers.  I noticed also that there was a lady in the kitchen in the rear of the building where the hamburgers are most likely being prepared along with the secret special sauce and trimmings that they put on the burgers.  I didn't have a chance to ask any questions about the special sauce.  I will next time.

   A nice, friendly young lady approached me and asked me what I would like to have.  And I asked, "Will one burger fill me up?" "No, you need two," she said. So I order two fully dressed Dovie burgers with the special sauce and a pickle and onion on top.  I also order a bottle of Coca Cola and a bag of Lay's original classic potato chips.

 Believe me, the Dovie burger lived up to its reputation!  It was love at first bite! This was the first time I had ever eaten a Dovie burger after hearing about them forever. And I have lived in Bowling Green for over 30 years now.  It's definitely worth the drive over to Tompkinsville if you ever get a chance to experience a Dovie Burger.  And don't wait 30 years like I did.  It will be an experience that you'll never forget because Dovie's is the one and only true burger royalty from Kentucky that dwells in a simple, downhome and humble restaurant with a very unique recipe and formula that has not changed for decades. Enjoy my friends!

Dovie's is located at 107 W 4th St, Tompkinsville, KY 42167

Newsroom Chronicles No. 2

30 years ago yesterday I rebooted my pest management career on Feb 1, 1995. I had worked for Orkin, a nationwide pest management company pri...