Sunday, May 21, 2017

Whatever Happened To The Wizard Staff And Tree Spirit Walking Sticks Little Yellow Shack In Summer Shade, Ky?

SUMMER SHADE, KY _ I still drive by here several times a month. But it's a mystery to me.
     And nobody seems to know what happened to the Wizard Staff and Tree Spirit Walking Sticks little yellow shack in Summer Shade,_Kentucky on Ky. 90 between Glasgow and Burkesville. I know a few people who lives in the area since the shack has been razed for a couple of years now. But again nobody can tell me anything about it. There's another little shack still standing several yards away where the other one used to be.  There's also a small Church of Christ building across the highway not far from the shack used to be. Sometimes I think maybe the religious people of the community may have something to do with its disappearance. But that's just me thinking out loud.  I assume a lot like a lot of people do in society.
       The stick carving shop was the brainchild of Robin Bryan, a laid off drywaller, who made the Wizard Staffs and Tree Spirit Walking Sticks and sold them to the public out of the little yellow shack. Supposedly, Bryan said that some people claimed that the sticks had "magical powers and changed their lives" when I interviewed for my Youtube channel. After I purchased my own Tree Spirit Walking Stick from him for $10,
I used my old Kodak digital camera seven years ago in October of 2010 to interview him.  It's my highest viewed Youtube video still to date with over 13,000 views.  My video only has a few thousand views compared the millions of videos on Youtube with millions of views. But's that's okay, I'm still glad I had a chance to capture Bryan in a brief interview on video while cars and trucks were passing by us just a few feet away on the highway on a busy fall afternoon.
      I even had one complaint on my Youtube channel that the cars and trucks were way too loud and that they barely could Bryan hardly talk. Lol.  I had to explain to that person with a comment posted below his that we were only a few feet from the highway from where the little yellow shack stood and that camera was not of the highest quality.
     I also remember I asked Bryan what types of people purchase his Wizard Staff and Tree Spirit Walking Sticks and he said that all types of people purchased them.  I also asked him if any local celebrities such as the band members of the Kentucky Headhunters or Black Stone Cherry had purchased any of his sticks and he said, "Yes," but he was not a liberty to say which members had.
     So if you know why the little yellow shack was torn down or if you know what happened to Bryan, please let me know.  That's just the nosey reporter in me coming out who still likes to hang around apparently.

Newsroom Chronicles No. 2

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