Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Murder Of A Vitamin and Herb Doctor At His Office By A Bowling Green, Ky., Man

Dr. Juan Sanchez Gonzalez
   I think it's a tragedy all the way around.

I did not know either man. The only thing I know about it is what I have read on-line and on Facebook. It looks like both of our local major news outlets, the Bowling Green Daily News and WBKO Television have done a good job of reporting about the murder.

Apparently, Omer Ahmetovic, 35, of Bowling Green, is accused of killing naturopathic doctor Juan Sanchez Gonzalez. At the time of Gonzalez’s murder, a lawsuit was filed by Ahmetovic against Gonzalez in Warren Circuit Court stating that Gonzalez guaranteed he could cure the man’s wife of cancer.
Omer Ahmetovic

In a Bowling Green Daily News newspaper front page article published, March 9, 2017, written by the fantastic crime reporter, Deborah Highland, states that Ahmetovic was charged with murder in Gonzalez’s death, according to his arrest citation and says that the citation doesn’t list a possible motive in the death.

Highland writes, "Ahmetovic’s wife, Fikreta Ibrisevic, died Feb. 27, according to the Warren County Coroner’s Office. Ahmetovic is being held in the Warren County Regional Jail in lieu of a $1 million bond. A hearing is set in the case for Wednesday in Warren District Court. The Natural Health Center for Integrative Medicine was open Friday evening when someone walked in and found Gonzalez unresponsive inside his business, Bowling Green Police Department spokesman Officer Ronnie Ward said. Gonzalez operated the center at 1022 U.S. 31-W By-Pass. His official date of death is listed as Friday, Warren County Deputy Coroner David Goens said."

Highland also writes, "Ibrisevic (Ahmetovic's wife) was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a soft tissue cancer, in late 2015 to early 2016, according to the lawsuit. The couple were interested in natural therapies while Ibrisevic waited to be scheduled for the beginning of traditional cancer treatments."

It turned out the natural medicine remedies did not work out for Ibrisevic. She ended up with seven large tumors according to the newspaper article. Then when she finally went to a traditional medical cancer doctor, the tumors were shrunk to just one. But by then, it was too late.

Also, in the newspaper article, it states, "Gonzalez’s office website shows he was a graduate of the Trinity School of Natural Health in Warsaw, Ind., and a U.S. Army veteran who retired in Fort Knox. He also held an MBA from Western Kentucky University, according to his website."

Personally, I have tried vitamins and herbs for different ailments throughout my lifetime. I have found what works best for me is just a daily dose of a plain multi-vitamin and 500 mg. of Vitamin C. They seem to be doing a good for me in my life at this point. However, I am strong believer in Western traditional medicine all the way around and I am one to run to the doctor like millions of other Americans and try to nip an ailment or sickness at the bud before it gets out of control. Especially, since I have health insurance through my employer. Yes, I can understand why someone might want to take the natural path of vitamins and herbs first especially if they do not have or cannot afford health insurance.  Maybe, Ahmetovic did have health insurance but wanted to try the natural remedies first like the newspaper article said.  But then again, I read where Ahmetovic paid $7,000 to Dr. Gonzalez's out of his own pocket to try to help his wife. Maybe that $7,000 could have gone a lot further in the treatment of the cancer with traditional medicine in the first place.  I don't know for sure.  I'm just saying.

But as far as Dr. Gonzalez's murder is concern, again, I think it's a tragedy for all parties involved. However, I don't have an opinion on the fate of Ahmetovic because I think it will be up to a jury during a trial to decide or there might be a plea bargain coming.  Who knows? Either way, nobody wins in this situation.

Friday, March 3, 2017

East Nashville Musician and Producer, Tony Smith, Hits A Home Run With Teem's "Afterglow"

     Okay, I will admit it right off the bat. I'm biased.
Yeah, I'm biased about my son, Tony Smith's new song, "Afterglow." I love it! Tony is a 2010 Graphic Design graduate of Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Ky., a musician, producer, songwriter and recording engineer who now lives in East Nashville. He is also a former member of the Bowling Green based indie rock band, Sleeper Agent, who toured the U.S., four times playing major music festivals and performed in Mexico as well as Canada. They also produced two albums, "Celabrasion" and "About Last Night." Not to mention they performed on live television, Jimmy Fallon and David Letterman.
Now his latest music project is called, "Teem." It's a collabrative effort among fellow Nashville muscians and artists such as Lincoln Parish, fomerly of Cage The Elphant, Nick Brown of Mona and songwriter and performer, Lauren Strange. There are several other Nashville musicians who have also contributed to Teem's projects too.
   Tony and his other fellow musicians at Teem are a creative force of nature among the likes of of the late David Bowie and this type of genre in the artistic community of the music industry. With each song and video that Teem creates and produces, it will strike you as being different and you'll always be in for a big surprise as such in the case with "Afterglow."
An introduction to Teem and it's home,
Twitter: @teem_music

Newsroom Chronicles No. 2

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