Thursday, April 24, 2014

"What? Say That Again," We Said. "The Slippery Noodle Inn-Indiana's Oldest Bar," She Said.

     I was staying at the Crown Plaza Union Station Hotel in downtown Indianapolis for my company's annual meeting early last month.  After our meeting that afternoon, me and a couple of my co-workers ventured outside to explore the downtown area of Indianapolis.  One of the guys wanted to buy a pack a cigarettes.  So we walked over to this little liquor store located in the vicinity and after my co-worker made his purchased, he asked the clerk where their was a nice little bar that us guys could go hang out at.  And she said something about Indiana
's oldest bar, "The Slippery Noodle Inn," and we said, "What? Say that again," we said.  She said, "Yes, The Slippery Noodle Inn-Indiana's oldest bar and it's a really cool place and supposedly it has a lot of history behind it too," she said.  The bar was not that far away from our hotel at all she also said.  So we made our way over there.
    When we arrived we order a couple of beers and I really did think it was a pretty cool place.  I liked the atmosphere too. Supposedly, during prohibition whiskey was made in the basement in the bar and the gangsters, (Brady and Dillinger gangs) used the building in the back for target practice and several of the slugs remain embedded in the lower east wall. The server allowed me to go downstairs and take a quick look and snap a picture before we left.  I didn't stay long because the other guys wanted to leave and go somewhere else.  But I loved the history of the bar and the place really appealed to me.  I'll go back and visit it again one day, that's for sure.
    Again, The Slippery Noodle Inn claims to the be oldest bar in Indiana, established in 1850.  It is located at 372 S. Meridian St. in downtown Indianapolis and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and owned by Hal and Carol Yeagy.  The bar has been owned by the Yeagys for over 50 years and and they claim that their bar is also internationally known and can attest that many well known celebrities have visited the bar over the years.  They feature live Blues music, good food and booze. They offer "carry out food and booze available" the menu claims.  It's definitely worth the trip over there if you're ever in downtown Indianapolis.  And you'll surely want to sneak a peek at the Dillinger slugs in the wall too before you leave like I did.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Kiss and The Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame and Museum-Let's Hope For A Peaceful Induction

Okay, who's ready for the Kiss-(Gene has not said much) Paul, Peter, Ace and Rock & Hall of Fame finger pointing and taking jabs at each other in the press to be over with? My God, I hope they don't get up there tomorrow night and slug it out. Hopefully, they will act like true gentlemen and be respectful to each other while being inducted. Keep your fingers crossed, Rock and Roll lovers. However, you should at least pay one visit to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and museum before you die. You'll see and learn the true essence of the genre through the lenses of a cultural and historical perspective in America. I am glad that I went a couple years ago. And I understand that every person, musician or band that was chosen was for a good reason because they made sort sort of major contribution to Rock and Roll.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Please Join Me On Facebook And Kill Lots Of Time Like I Do

Galen A. Smith Sr., and his wife, Patty

 You can now join my new Facebook page "A Critic From The South" at   You'll get to read the latest news, inside information and some personal commentaries about my blog. Please check it out and "Like" new page! Thanks!

Newsroom Chronicles No. 2

30 years ago yesterday I rebooted my pest management career on Feb 1, 1995. I had worked for Orkin, a nationwide pest management company pri...