Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Amazing, Incredible Power Of The Soybean, "Silk Milk"

I discovered something that I really like to drink in the last several months. It's soy milk. Yes, it's true! It is made from soybeans which is a stable emulsion of oil, water and protein and it is produced by soaking dry soybeans and grinding them with water. I like this stuff and there's one particular brand that I really like and it's called, "Silk." You can find it at Kroger usually on sale for two for five dollars with your Kroger card. (No, Kroger and Silk Milk are not paying me to write this).

The following information comes from the web-site, "" regarding "Silk" and soy milk.

""Silk" is a brand of soy milk and other dairy-substitute products, including soy yogurt and almond milk. The company was founded by Steve Demos in 1996 and it's distributed by Demos' company "White Wave Foods," a subsidiary of Dean Foods. The name "Silk" is a portmanteau of "soy" and "milk." Apparently, Silk soy milk sales comprise roughly three-fourths of the refrigerated soy milk sales in America."

"Some of the health benefits of drinking soy milk is that it has about the same amount of protein (though not the same amino acid profile) as the milk of a cow. Natural soy milk contains digestible calcium as it is bound in the bean's pulp, which is insoluble in humans. To counter this, many manufacturers enrich their produce with calcium carbonate available to human digestion. Unlike cow's milk, it has little saturated fat and no cholesterol. (I really like this!) Soy products contain sucrose as the basic diaccharide, which breaks into glucose and fructose. Since soy doesn't contain galactose, a product of lactose breakdown, soy-based infant formulas can replace breast milk in children with galactosemia. Soy milk is also a source of lecithin and vitamin E, lack casein, it is safe for people with lactose intolerance or milk allergy, contains far less saturated fat than cow's milk and contains isoflavones, organic chemicals that may be beneficial to health."

Believe it or not, when I drink a cold glass of "Vanilla Silk," the Mississippi Delta on sunny day comes to my mind. I can remember seeing miles and miles of soybeans being grow from the edge of the Mississippi bluff where I lived back in the late 1970's and early 1980's. The Mississippi Delta farmers probably still do grow the soy beans down there. Soybeans were literally everywhere like "Mississippi Kudzu." I'm sure the soybean was not as big of a "cash crop" back then as it probably is now for those farmers. Thank God for the Mississippi Delta and for the Chinese who discovered the soy milk around A.D. 25-220!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The legend of "The Legend of Boggy Creek" movie

One of the scariest movies that has lingered in my psychic for the last 38 years is the, "The Legend of Boggy Creek," which is supposedly based on a true story. I was 10 years-old in the Summer of 1972 when I saw this movie with some of my best friends at the Malco Theater on Popular and Highland avenues growing up in East Memphis. That movie literally scared the holy, crap out of me and for a couple of years, I was scared to death to walk home at night from my friend's house located at the bottom of the hill where I lived. The worst part of the walk home was when I would get to a long row of mulberry bushes in my yard at the top of the hill and I hated walking past them. I was always afraid that the "Boggy Creek Monster" was going to jump out and grab me. But it never did because my heart would start racing and I was run as fast as I could. Then I would jump onto the front porch and in through the front door. My dad would always ask me, "What's wrong?" And I would say, "Aw, nothin'."

About a year ago, I had been thinking about this movie a lot and how it had horrified me as child. So I decided to order a copy of it on eBay or I don't remember which one I ordered it from to be quite exact. But anyway, when I received it in the mail a few days later, my wife and I watched it and I thought, "Heck, this ain't that scary! This is so stupid!" I wondered what made me so scared as a kid when I watched it. However, a little bit of the sensation of horror did come back to me as I watched it though. It cause me to be able to relive the movie a little bit in my mind and remember how I felt when I was a youngster. But too me these days, the most interesting aspect of the movie is the movie itself-the success of the movie and how it was made on such a low budget turning a gigantic profit for its creator, Charles B. Pierce, an advertising salesman. Mr. Pierce who was from Texarkana (Texas-Arkansas border town) borrowed $100,000 from a local trucking company and used an old movie camera and hired locals (mainly high school students) to make the 90 minute film. He actually filmed the movie in the Fouke, Ark., area swap lands. In the last 38 years, the movie has generated approximately $20 million dollars and still can be found on DVD. Another modern-day, horror flick along the sames lines with a low production budget and incredible success is "The Blair Witch Project" from the 1990's. These type of movies usually find a way to tap in the psychic of Americans. Movies like this always seem take place out in the woods or out in the water somewhere with natural surroundings. It's one of those things that makes you ask each other, "Is there something out there?" which can run chills up and down your spine every time for sure.

Here's what the back cover of DVD says, "Is the monster still on the prowl? A 1970's documentary-style drama questions the existence of a hair 7ft tall Sasquatch-type monster that lives in a swap outside of Fouke, Ark. According to the locals the monster walks on two feet, has a characteristic smelly odor and kills chickens, cattle, dogs and livestock but so far it hasn't killed any people. The monster supposedly harassed two families in the late 1960's, but since then few have seen the monster yet it can be heard in the swap at night. Actual interviews with the area residents tell the tale. Could be real or a conspiracy of a backwoods community looking for attention."

If you want to see an old, somewhat, scary flick, this movie could be for you. You may laugh at the silly acting and how country the actors look, talk and etc. However, you have to keep an open mind and realize how amazingly, this low budget movie caused such a stir at the time in America's psychic in the early 1970's. It is similar to the scare tactic that the movie, "Jaws" used to horrify the holy, you know what out of Americans and kept them away about America's beaches in the middle 1970's for a while. You probably won't be able to find "The Legend of Boggy Creek" at your local video rental store either. You will probably have to buy it on eBay or like I did, if you want watch it.

Newsroom Chronicles No. 2

30 years ago yesterday I rebooted my pest management career on Feb 1, 1995. I had worked for Orkin, a nationwide pest management company pri...